Flatten the Curve: OpenID Foundation Virtual Workshops to Continue Momentum and Progress

In the face of the global health crisis, the OpenID Foundation remains committed to providing its members and the community at large updates on the ongoing work of the Foundation’s Working Groups as well as other current digital identity topics including open banking.

We’ve redoubled our engagement with members, liaison partners and colleagues to make our 2020 outreach as robust as possible under current circumstances. We are adjusting scheduled events to transition to virtual events to continue to the momentum and progress of Working Groups and are planning additional online webinars in the absence of industry events.

The Foundation plans to invest in the first virtual event while soliciting directed funding from Foundation members to invest in other virtual events in 2020. While we are in the early planning stages of this transition, below are some of the virtual events that are being scheduled.

OpenID Foundation Workshops

  • The OpenID Foundation Workshops scheduled for Monday, April 27th at Google prior to IIW will be transitioned to a virtual workshop with a couple of sessions (times) to reach a global audience.
  • The Foundation is planning a couple of Financial-grade API (FAPI) and eKYC & Identity Assurance Working Group Workshops building on the success of a similar event in London recently. These workshops and continued collaboration on these important specifications are critical in continuing to drive global open banking initiatives.

OpenID Foundation Liaison Partners Workshops

The OpenID Foundation is working with our liaison partners to schedule several pragmatic workshops to continue momentum on open banking initiatives in global jurisdictions:

  • UK: Open Banking Implementation Entity
  • US: Financial Data Exchange
  • JAP: OIDF Japan

OpenID Foundation Member Sponsored Workshops

The Foundation in collaborating with members to deliver co-sponsored, co-developed virtual workshops that are of value to the community at large. Workshops currently being developed with members include:

  • OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect: Basics and Advanced Topics in partnership with Foundation member, Authlete
  • Global Open Banking Interoperability Panel Discussion

While the Foundation has a lot of events and planning in motion, your feedback and suggestions are most welcomed. I look forward to discussing your ideas at your earliest convenience.


Don Thibeau
OpenID Foundation Executive Director