
The eKYC & IDA Working Group Welcomes the Proposal of the European Commission to Extend the Scope of eIDAS Trust Services

The eKYC and Identity Assurance Working Group (eKYC & IDA WG) of the OpenID Foundation welcomes the proposal of the Commission to extend the scope of eIDAS trust services by introducing a new trust service for identification, authentication and for the provision of attributes, credentials and attestations and allowing the […]

Announcing the OIDF iGov Working Group

A recent US NIST announcement describes the newly formed OIDF International Government Assurance Profile (iGov) Working Group which is an international public and private sector collaboration that will develop an interoperable profile of OpenID Connect to allow users to authenticate and share consented attribute information in a consistent and user-centric […]

Open identity for the government 10

Chris Messina is a community board member of the OpenID Foundation, long time advocate for citizens of the web, and prolific blogger on all things “open”. Today in collaboration with Vivek Kundra, the nation’s first CIO, we are announcing a pilot program intended to enable individual citizens to login to […]

Yahoo!, PayPal, Google, Equifax, AOL, VeriSign, Acxiom, Citi, Privo, Wave Systems Pilot Open Identity for Open Government 19

Gov 2.0 Conference – Washington, D.C. — September 9, 2009 — Ten industry leaders — Yahoo!, PayPal, Google, Equifax, AOL, VeriSign, Acxiom, Citi, Privo and Wave Systems — announced today they will support the first pilot programs designed for the American public to engage in open government — government that is […]