
The OpenID Foundation and the UK Open Banking Implementation Entity Hosting a Workshop Focused on Financial-grade API (FAPI) and Third Party Providers (TPPs)

View the workshop recording in its entirety here.   The OpenID Foundation (OIDF) and our development partner, the UK Open Banking Implementation Entity (OBIE), continue our collaboration in outreach to the fintech community via workshops in hosting another workshop on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 at 1pm UTC. This next event […]

The OpenID Foundation and Financial Data Exchange Host Workshop Focused on Fintech Standards and Certification

The OpenID Foundation (OIDF) and Financial Data Exchange hosted a joint workshop on July 21, 2020 to share information on their respective standards and certification programs. OIDF Chairman, Nat Sakimura provided a global view of the state of financial APIs followed by FDX Managing Director, Don Cardinal, who described FDX’s […]

OpenID Foundation and Open Banking Implementation Entity Continue Collaboration with Conformance and Certification Workshop at OAuth Security Workshop 2020

The OpenID Foundation (OIDF) and the UK Open Banking Implementation Entity (OBIE), continue our collaboration efforts building on the success of our recent workshop focused on Financial-grade API (FAPI) conformance and certification. It was a deep dive into the technical interface of our open, international standard with the OBIE’s functional […]

Collaboration at the Core: The OpenID Foundation and the UK Open Banking Implementation Entity Host Conformance and Certification Workshop

The OpenID Foundation (OIDF) and our development partner, the UK Open Banking Implementation Entity (OBIE), recently hosted a workshop focused on Financial-grade API (FAPI) conformance and certification. It was a deep dive into the technical interface of our open, global standard with the OBIE’s functional UK standard. Our success metrics: […]

OpenID Connect Logout Certifications Available

I’m pleased to announce that certification for RP logout implementations is now available. Give it a spin at https://openid.net/certification/logout_rp_testing/! This joins that OP logout certification that launched in August 2019, which is described at https://openid.net/certification/logout_op_testing/. Both are in pilot mode, and so certifications are currently available at no cost to […]

OpenID Certification Program Expands with the Release of Financial-grade API Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication Profile (FAPI-CIBA) Certification

The OpenID Foundation announced today its expansion of the OpenID Certification program with conformance testing and self-certification of Financial-grade API Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication Profile (FAPI-CIBA) OpenID Providers. The ability to self-certify FAPI-CIBA implementations builds on the availability and success of Financial-grade API (FAPI) certifications whereby a number of vendors […]

OpenID Certification Program Expansion and Fee Update

The OpenID Foundation launched the OpenID Certification Program in 2015. The Program enables organizations to certify that their OpenID Connect implementations conform to specified profiles of the OpenID Connect standard. The certification program is a tool to help ensure that implementations by different parties will interoperate. It provides assurance to […]

The UK Open Banking Implementation Entity Adopts the OpenID Foundation Financial-Grade API (FAPI) Specification & Certification Program

The 2018 Identiverse Conference provided a timely catalyst for representatives of the OpenID Foundation and the UK Open Banking Implementation Entity (OBIE) to announce their collaboration on the Financial-grade API (FAPI) specification. The Identiverse stage provided an ideal venue to emphasize the importance of building on the award winning OpenID Certification […]

OpenID Certification Expanding to FAPI Specs

Announcement: The OpenID Foundation announced today it will continue expanding the scope of its award-winning OpenID Certification program, adding new profiles and capabilities.  The new Form Post Response Mode profiles were launched this week during the Identiverse conference.  The OpenID Foundation is pleased to announce its plans to expand the […]