
In Praise of Kim Cameron

Much is made of attributes like “opinion leader”, “domain expert”, and “mentor”. Kim Cameron was all that and much more. Our colleague Joerg Resch has eloquently memorialized Kim’s many contributions to our industry as “fundamentally influencing the way we think about and deal with privacy and digital identity”. Not only […]

Resolution Thanking Don Thibeau for his Service

The OpenID Foundation Board of Directors unanimously approved the following resolution, proposed by Mike Jones and seconded by John Bradley, thanking Don Thibeau for his service: Resolved: The OpenID Foundation board thanks Don Thibeau for his exemplary service to the OpenID Foundation and the worldwide identity community during his decade-long […]

OpenID Foundation Executive Director Job Description

The OpenID Foundation is seeking an Executive Director with the experience, skills, strategic vision, and commitment to advancing the Foundation’s open standards initiatives. This is a unique opportunity to lead a well-respected, member-driven, vendor-neutral, international standardization organization. The OpenID Foundation Executive Director (ED) reports directly to the Foundation’s Board of […]

How do working groups work?

As the scope of the OpenID Foundation’s work has expanded and the number of working groups and participants has grown, we periodically get questions about how OpenID Foundation working groups work. I’ve created a new “How do working groups work?” page to provide readily available answers to some of these […]

OpenID Foundation 2012 Community Board Member Election 2

This is to announce the 2012 election of OpenID Foundation community board members. The Foundation plays an important role in the evolution of Internet identity technologies. Those elected will help determine what role the OIDF should play in helping facilitate faster and broader adoption of open standard identity systems. Last […]

Introducing the 2011 OpenID Community Board Representatives 2

Dear Members, Thank you for voting for those who will represent you at this pivotal time for OpenID. This is to introduce the newly elected community directors of the OpenID Foundation Board. In 2011 Brian Kissel and Allen Tom will be fulfilling the second year of their terms as community […]