open banking

OpenID Foundation Publishes Whitepaper on Open Banking

The OpenID Foundation is pleased to share its new whitepaper, “Open Banking, Open Data and Financial-Grade APIs”. The paper documents the international movement towards Open Banking, Open Finance, and secure, consent driven access to all user data. It describes the OpenID Foundation and in particular the Financial-Grade API (FAPI) Working Group’s […]

Open Banking Brazil’s Adoption of Financial-grade API (FAPI) & FAPI Certification

The OpenID Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of Financial-grade API (FAPI) OP and dynamic client registration (DCR) tests for open banking Brazil. Release notes can be found here: Brazil recently published their open banking technology stack including the security and identity standards that the financial services sector must adopt […]

The OpenID Foundation and the UK Open Banking Implementation Entity Hosting a Workshop Focused on Financial-grade API (FAPI) and Third Party Providers (TPPs)

View the workshop recording in its entirety here.   The OpenID Foundation (OIDF) and our development partner, the UK Open Banking Implementation Entity (OBIE), continue our collaboration in outreach to the fintech community via workshops in hosting another workshop on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 at 1pm UTC. This next event […]

OpenID Foundation and Open Banking Implementation Entity Continue Collaboration with Conformance and Certification Workshop at OAuth Security Workshop 2020

The OpenID Foundation (OIDF) and the UK Open Banking Implementation Entity (OBIE), continue our collaboration efforts building on the success of our recent workshop focused on Financial-grade API (FAPI) conformance and certification. It was a deep dive into the technical interface of our open, international standard with the OBIE’s functional […]

OpenID Foundation Launches New Microsite Focused on Open Banking and Fintech Developers

The OpenID Foundation has launched a new microsite focused on global open banking initiatives and providing resources for fintech developers implementing the Foundation’s Financial-grade API (FAPI). In 2017, the OpenID Foundation’s Financial-grade API (FAPI) Working Group published specifications enabling high-security API access, suitable for accessing financial data and facilitating financial […]

Dispatch from Innotribe@Sibos 2019

Innotribe is always a dynamic and thought-provoking opportunity for voices from outside the finance industry to collaborate at Sibos. At this years Sibos-2019-London, I led a panel discussion of fintech and identity experts to exchange experiences and discuss opportunities as we develop and implement community-driven, open standards for digital identity […]

Financial Data and Technology Association and OpenID Foundation in Global Agreement

Not-for-profits to campaign jointly on open finance initiatives The OpenID Foundation (OIDF), the international standardisation organisation which maintains a standard known as the Financial-grade API (FAPI), and the Financial Data and Technology Association (FDATA Global), the global trade association for companies working to promote ‘open finance’ and best practise financial […]

The UK Open Banking Implementation Entity Adopts the OpenID Foundation Financial-Grade API (FAPI) Specification & Certification Program

The 2018 Identiverse Conference provided a timely catalyst for representatives of the OpenID Foundation and the UK Open Banking Implementation Entity (OBIE) to announce their collaboration on the Financial-grade API (FAPI) specification. The Identiverse stage provided an ideal venue to emphasize the importance of building on the award winning OpenID Certification […]

OpenID Certification Expanding to FAPI Specs

Announcement: The OpenID Foundation announced today it will continue expanding the scope of its award-winning OpenID Certification program, adding new profiles and capabilities.  The new Form Post Response Mode profiles were launched this week during the Identiverse conference.  The OpenID Foundation is pleased to announce its plans to expand the […]

OpenID Foundation FAPI Working Group Meeting and Workshop Co-Hosted With Open Banking in London on Monday, November 6, 2017

OpenID Foundation Members:   Next Monday, November 6, 2017, the OpenID Foundation is hosting a face-to-face Financial API (FAPI) Working Group meeting in London at Level39. If you would like to participate you’ll need to have signed a contribution agreement that specifies the FAPI Working Group. If you have not […]