What is the FAPI WG?
FAPI was previously known as the Financial-grade API but there was consensus within the working group to update the name to just FAPI to reflect that the specification is appropriate for many high-value use-cases requiring a more secure model beyond just financial services.
In many cases, Fintech services such as aggregation services use screen scraping and stores user passwords. This model is both brittle and insecure. To cope with the brittleness, it should utilize an API model with structured data and to cope with insecurity, it should utilize a token model such as OAuth [RFC6749, RFC6750].
This working group aims to rectify the situation by developing a REST/JSON model protected by OAuth. Specifically, the FAPI WG aims to provide JSON data schemas, security and privacy recommendations and protocols to:
- enable applications to utilize the data stored in the financial account,
- enable applications to interact with the financial account, and
- enable users to control security and privacy settings.
Both commercial and investment banking account as well as insurance, and credit card accounts are to be considered.
Working Group Chairs
- Nat Sakimura (NAT Consulting), Anoop Saxena (Intuit), Anthony Nadalin, Dave Tonge (Moneyhub)
The chairs can be reached at <openid-specs-fapi-owner@lists.openid.net>.
List of Specifications and Status
Final Specifications
- Financial-grade API Security Profile (FAPI) 1.0 – Part 1: Baseline – A secured OAuth profile that aims to provide specific implementation guidelines for security and interoperability.
- Financial-grade API Security Profile (FAPI) 1.0 – Part 2: Advanced – A highly secured OAuth profile that aims to provide specific implementation guidelines for security and interoperability.
- JWT Secured Authorization Response Mode for OAuth 2.0 (JARM) – This specification was created to bring some of the security features defined as part of OpenID Connect to OAuth 2.0
Implementer’s Drafts
- FAPI: Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication (CIBA) Profile – FAPI CIBA is a profile of the OpenID Connect’s CIBA specification that supports the decoupled flow
- FAPI 2.0 Security Profile and Attacker Model – FAPI 2.0 has a broader scope than FAPI 1.0 as it aims for complete interoperability at the interface between client and authorization server as well as interoperable security mechanisms at the interface between client and resource server
- Grant Management for OAuth 2.0 – This profile specifies a standards based approach to managing “grants” that represent the consent a data subject has given. It was born out of experience with the roll out of PSD2 and requirements in Australia
Active Drafts
- FAPI 2.0: Message Signing – an extension of the baseline profile that provides non-repudiation for all exchanges including responses from resource servers
- FAPI 1.0 — Lodging Intent ===> Now OAuth PAR + OAuth RAR
The most current FAPI Working Group updates can be found on the Workshops page: https://openid.net/workshops/
“Open Banking, Open Data, and the Financial Grade API,” March 2022
A primer for markets looking at enabling Open Banking and Open Data, covering the origins of “user-consent” based data sharing, global adoption, key standards, implementation considerations, and application across industry verticals.
“Open Banking and Open Data: Ready to Cross Borders?”, July 2022, working draft
The whitepaper offers an overview of the global open data landscape and makes a hypothesis that the next stage of open data development will be focused on global interoperability.
“Financial-grade API (FAPI) Profiles”, July 2022
This paper provides a comparison of available FAPI profiles and recommendations for new markets looking to implement FAPI as their security profile.
The easiest way to participate is to join the mailing list at http://lists.openid.net/mailman/listinfo/openid-specs-fapi.
Please note that while anyone can join the mailing list as a read-only recipient, posting to the mailing list or actively contributing to the specification itself requires the submission of an IPR Agreement. More information is available at http://openid.net/intellectual-property. Make sure to specify the working group as FAPI WG.
Meeting Venue and Schedule
- Regular Meetings
- Pacific zone call: Bi-weekly Thursday Call @ 11pm UTC
- Atlantic zone call: Weekly Wednesday Call @ 2pm UTC
- See the calendar below for the details.
- Location: https://zoom.us/j/97456084642?pwd=bTRFVzk4ZmlRK1M3bEprRlN5c3JFZz09
- GoToMeeting software is available on Mac, PC, iPhone, and Android Phone.
- Meeting minutes are available at: https://bitbucket.org/openid/fapi/wiki/browse/