What is the iGov WG?
Working Group Name:
International Government Assurance Profile (iGov)
The purpose of this working group is to develop a security and privacy profile of the OpenID Connect specifications that allow users to authenticate and share consented attribute information with public sector services across the globe. The resulting profile will enable standardized integration with public sector relying parties in multiple jurisdictions. The profile will be applicable to, but not exclusively targeted at, identity broker-based implementations.
Working Group Chairs
List of Specifications
For the list of specifications and their status, please refer to the status page.
The easiest way to participate is to join the mailing list at http://lists.openid.net/mailman/listinfo/openid-specs-igov.
Please note that while anyone can join the mailing list as a read-only recipient, posting to the mailing list or actively contributing to the specification itself requires the submission of an IPR Agreement. More information is available at http://openid.net/intellectual-property. Make sure to specify the working group as iGov WG.
Meeting Venue and Schedule
- Monday Meetings
- When: Tuesday 8am PT every other week: (See the google calendar below)
- Where: https://zoom.us/j/94531370713?pwd=eFVLOTZOVHFRUU1rSmZjdStyVm5zZz09