What is the Research & Education WG?
Working Group Name:
Research and Education (R&E)
The purpose of this working group is to develop a set of profiles for the OpenID Connect specifications to ease the adoption of OpenID Connect in the Research and Education (R&E) sector. The profiles will take into account existing practices of federated identity management in the R&E sector, current international standards to represent users that belong to R&E institutions, as well as the existing international trust fabric based on R&E identity federations and multi-lateral trust exchange. The working group will also actively look for the engagement of the R&E international community.
Working Group Charter
The charter document can be found here: https://github.com/daserzw/oidc-edu-wg/releases/tag/v1.0.0
Working Group Chairs
List of Proposed Specifications
- OpenID Connect Research and Education Profile.
- OpenID Connect Research and Education Claims.
- OpenID Connect Entity metadata extension.
The easiest way to participate is to join the mailing list at http://lists.openid.net/mailman/listinfo/openid-specs-rande.
Please note that while anyone can join the mailing list as a read-only recipient, posting to the mailing list or actively contributing to the specification itself requires the submission of an IPR Agreement. More information is available at http://openid.net/intellectual-property. Please make sure to specify the working group as “Research & Education” or “R&E” in the “Initial Working Groups” field.